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With Abandon: With or Without, Book 4 Page 18
With Abandon: With or Without, Book 4 Read online
Page 18
“For the boot to the ass.”
He rolled his eyes and shrugged her head off his shoulder, trying not to crack a smile. “Fuck off.”
She laughed harder.
Who would’ve ever thought four years ago when Jarred Brandt asked Aubrey to watch over his barely eighteen-year-old daughter who’d insisted on moving to Atlanta by herself, that Tara would’ve become his best friend?
As they walked past one of the smaller empty ballrooms toward the restrooms at the end of the hall, a weird scent tickled Aubrey’s nose. It was unusual enough that he slowed their pace and turned his head trying to find it. The acrid odor of fear and anger were the two most prevalent scents. There was also a hint of wolf, but that wasn’t the minute scent that caught his attention. A warm, woodsy, intoxicating— Ah shit. “Matt.” The aroma was spiked with anger, but definitely Matt.
Aubrey let go of Tee and jogged toward the ballroom at the far end of the hall, past the restrooms. He’d also just found Boskie…and Carson it would seem. “Goddamn it.” Aubrey would’ve never thought Boskie stupid enough to start shit with Carson at a shareholders party. Panic like he’d never known seized him. If Orin Boskie laid so much as a finger on Matt—
“What’s going on?” Tara charged up next to him with her heels in her hand. She grabbed his arm, or tried to—no way was Aubrey stopping until he made sure of Matt’s safety.
His heart raced, and his eyes threatened to shift out of anger. Matt. He had to get to Matt.
“Bree, wait.”
Aubrey flung the door open, taking the scene in at a glance.
Matt stood at the far end of the ballroom between Carson, who was clutching his shoulders from behind, and Boskie, who was trying to reach around him to get to Carson.
Matt shoved the older man in the chest, backing him off a bit. “Leave him alone.” Matt sounded more agitated than anything else, thank goodness.
Aubrey rushed forward.
“I told you to get out of the way,” Boskie growled, grabbing a handful of Carson’s hair.
Carson yelped and flung his arms around Matt’s waist, trying to stay behind him.
Matt shoved again. “Back off.”
Boskie released Carson with a hard heave and doubled up his fist.
A red high-heeled shoe whizzed past Aubrey and struck Boskie square in the head. “Don’t you fucking touch him, you son of a bitch,” Tara yelled.
The older wolf didn’t even acknowledge the hit to his skull. His fist connected with the side of Matt’s jaw.
“Boskie!” Aubrey reached the bastard as Matt’s head snapped back from the blow. The smell of Matt’s blood flooded the air, unleashing the control Aubrey had over his wolf instincts. His eyes shifted so swiftly that the transition from color vision to monochrome was seamless.
Throwing Boskie to the ground, Aubrey growled and turned his back to Carson and Matt. He was peripherally aware of Tara running past him, but his focus stayed squarely on the man in front of him. He tried to calm himself, remind himself there was a human who didn’t know about wolves present. He’d never dared a partial shift in public, but he was very close to forgetting his reserve at the moment. Chest heaving, he clenched his hands into fists. Instinct demanded he defend his mate and make the man who’d dare touch him pay.
Boskie backpedaled on the ground like a crab running for the ocean.
The door clicked shut, and Aubrey sensed more than saw Ashley standing with her back against it.
“I can’t believe that butthead hit me.” Matt’s voice cut through Aubrey’s haze of anger. He sounded more shocked and angered than hurt.
Calm, Aubrey. Think. Matt’s fine. He took a deep breath and stopped stalking Boskie. It was an effort not to shout, but he managed it. “Would you like to explain yourself?”
Tara’s and Matt’s soft voices reached him, but he only concentrated enough to realize they were talking to Carson, checking on him. That did the trick. Aubrey’s eyes turned back to normal, and the restraint he’d been grasping at came into reach. “I’m not going to tell you this again, Orin. So I suggest you listen and listen carefully. If I catch you messing with my EA again, not only will he file a restraining order, but I’ll go right to your wife and the board of directors and let them know what you’ve been up to. Am I understood?”
Boskie stood and held his hands out in a show of nonviolence. “Aubrey, I can explain, I—”
“Do you hear me?” Aubrey arched a brow. “I only want one word from you at the moment.” His heart pounded a mile a minute and he was still pissed, but in control.
“Yeah.” Giving one last glance past Aubrey—at Carson, Aubrey presumed—he nodded. “I got it,” he gritted out between clenched teeth, and without another word he scurried toward the door.
Ashley stepped aside and closed it after he left.
It was like the entire room breathed a sigh of relief. Aubrey wanted to slump to the floor. Not because he was relieved, just the opposite. He’d given Boskie an ultimatum. Something told him the games were only beginning.
“This is your office?” Matt walked around the desk, trailing his shaking hand across the top of it. Facing the angry older wolf hadn’t fazed him, but alone with his mate for the first time since their disagreement, his nerves were on edge. Not only had he displeased Aubrey earlier, now he’d stuck his nose in pack business again. Could this be considered a pack issue? Orin Boskie was a wolf. Carson wasn’t. Oh great, that made it even worse. He’d interfered in a work-related problem. Matt swallowed down the lump in his throat. He should’ve kept walking when he’d heard Carson cry out.
Aubrey came out of the bathroom with a wet cloth in hand. “Yeah, this is my office.” He grabbed Matt’s hand and led him to the cushy leather chair in front of the window. “Sit.”
Sitting down, Matt watched his mate for a clue to his mood. How mad was he? Aubrey’s blank expression wasn’t promising. Matt was beginning to realize that unnaturally calm facade hid a volatile temper. “I’m sorry.”
“Why’re you sorry?” Aubrey knelt in front of him and dabbed at his lip where Boskie’s fist had connected. “You did the right thing. Carson wouldn’t have been able to hold Boskie off.” For a split second he let the unemotional pretense slip, and there was a softening around his eyes and mouth. It wasn’t quite a smile, but it eased Matt’s mind a little.
Matt racked his brain for something to say. The silence was strained because of their argument. He normally had comfortable silences with Aubrey. “I was waiting outside the restrooms for Ashley, and I heard Carson. I recognized his voice and went to have a look. Boskie had him pinned up against the far wall. I think he was trying to kiss him. Carson was terrified of him and—”
“It doesn’t matter now.” Tossing the washrag onto the desk, Aubrey tipped Matt’s chin up and went to his knees in front of him. “It’s healed. Does it still hurt?”
Matt shook his head.
“Good.” Aubrey just knelt there staring at him, still holding his chin.
Matt wanted to squirm under the scrutiny but didn’t dare. He had no idea how to act or what to say. He wanted their comfortable and easy relationship back. They hadn’t spoken since they left the apartment several hours ago, and Matt still didn’t know what to think about it. He didn’t like the idea of lying, but he liked the idea of Aubrey being mad at him even less. How pathetic was that?
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
Matt nodded.
“Sugar, you’re sumthin’ else.” Wrapping his arms around Matt’s waist, Aubrey kissed him.
Matt froze. Aubrey wasn’t still upset with him?
Aubrey trailed kisses down his chin. He tugged loose Matt’s tie and nipped his neck.
Matt cupped the back of Aubrey’s head. Should he push him away or hold him closer? If he could make this evening disappear, he would. “Should we do this? I mean here? What if—?”
“Shh…” Aubrey touched Matt’s lips with the tip of his finger. �
��It’s okay. I locked the door.” He rested his head against Matt’s chest for several long seconds, just holding him close.
It was awkward at first, but Matt hugged back. Maybe things would be okay. He closed his eyes and rested his chin on the top of Aubrey’s head, inhaling the coconut smell of shampoo and the underlying scent that was Aubrey. He wanted to stay like this forever. The feel of his mate in his arms was reassuring. If Aubrey was hugging him, then they were okay. Right?
Aubrey loosened his hold and began fumbling with Matt’s jacket. After getting it undone and open, he pushed the vest up out of the way and unfastened the pants.
“What are—?”
Aubrey tapped his hip. “Lift.”
“Huh?” Matt raised his butt off the seat. “What are—?”
Aubrey fumbled with the fastening on Matt’s pants. He gripped Matt’s cock with one hand and shoved his pants and underwear around his thighs.
“Uh.” The scent of Aubrey’s arousal slammed into Matt, making his cock harden in Aubrey’s hand.
Aubrey’s mouth closed over his dick.
“Ohmigod. What’re you doing?” Matt stared down at Aubrey’s blond head and wide shoulders. He couldn’t believe Aubrey was doing this here. But then his body took over and he decided he didn’t care when, where or how. He laid his head back on the chair and stared up at the ceiling. Would it always feel this incredible? Would this always make his brain cease to function?
As if in answer, Aubrey went all the way down till his lips touched the base of Matt’s cock.
The sensation sent Matt reeling. His balls pulled tight, and his back arched off the seat, trying to get closer. He gripped the arms of the chair to keep from melting into a puddle at his mate’s feet.
Aubrey used his hand and mouth to drive Matt crazy. He sucked, swirling his tongue around the head a few times, and squeezed with his hand. His other hand gripped Matt’s hip, and his thumb rubbed over Matt’s hipbone. Back and forth he caressed in time with his mouth. He made a little humming noise of approval.
Matt was drunk off the earthy smell of his mate’s arousal and those hot lips dragging up and down his cock. His canines shifted so abruptly they pierced his bottom lip. Oddly the pain did nothing to stifle the intense pleasure. He was close to coming, and he tried to distract himself with something…anything. He wanted this to go on forever, but his brain couldn’t come up with a single thing to transfer his focus from his dick. Opening his eyes was a huge mistake.
With his lips stretching around Matt’s cock, Aubrey met his gaze.
Matt braced himself, still trying to hold back, but it was no use. His orgasm washed over him like a tidal wave. He stared into those beloved eyes and sank deeper and deeper. Sensation after sensation buffeted him, making him tense up. His balls emptied into Aubrey’s loving mouth in a gush, but Aubrey never even blinked. He just kept milking Matt’s cock with his lips and tongue.
Matt couldn’t look away. The intimacy connected him to his mate. Whatever it took he couldn’t lose this. He touched Aubrey’s cheek. I love you. He didn’t say it aloud. He didn’t know how Aubrey would take the declaration, and he couldn’t accept anything other than the same declaration in return, even if it was only between them.
Aubrey squeezed his eyes tight and let Matt’s cock slip from his mouth. He rested his head on Matt’s thigh. His breath came in rough pants and a strangled groan. The scent of sex lingered around him.
The thought that Aubrey wouldn’t return those words scared him worse than the prospect of having to lie about his sexuality.
Slowly, Matt’s canines and eyesight morphed back to human. A little more in control, he ran his fingers through his mate’s silky-soft hair. “What about you? Why don’t you trade me places?”
Aubrey shook his head. “No time. Tee and Ashley should be done getting Carson settled into his room by now.” Aubrey stood and kissed him on the lips. “We have to go.”
The taste of himself on Aubrey’s lips reminded Matt of the sweet feel of his mouth minutes ago, and he wanted to stay right where they were.
“Sugar, you moaning like that is not the best way to get rid of my hard-on.” Aubrey grabbed his cock, rearranging it with a little moan of his own.
Oh wow, that was a nice sight. Matt’s stomach tensed, and he was sure if he hadn’t just come his brains out, he’d have gotten hard again. “But—” Matt reached for Aubrey, wanting to make him feel good too.
“No buts. Come on, darlin’.”
Matt groaned, knowing he wasn’t going to get anywhere. Aubrey had already made up his mind. That decisiveness was sexy. It was one of the things he’d come to admire about his mate, but at the moment he wished Aubrey was less resolute.
Aubrey grabbed Matt’s arms and hauled him up. He kissed him as he pulled Matt’s underwear and pants up. When Matt took over, Aubrey began redoing Matt’s tie. “You can make it up to me when we get home.”
Chapter Fourteen
Aubrey found the Ducati easily. There were other motorcycles, but the Duc stood out. It really was a sharp-looking bike. One of his better purchases if he said so himself. He should’ve brought the extra helmet and had Matt take him to lunch on it.
Running his hand along the pearl tank, he marveled at the beauty before throwing his leg over and taking a seat. Oh yeah, a ride was long overdue.
Speaking of overdue… He checked his watch again. Matt should be here any minute.
He needed to figure out what he was going to say to Matt. Last night they’d gotten home so late they’d gone to bed, and he’d pretended sleep to keep from having to talk. Thinking back on it, he winced. He owed Matt an apology, but he’d needed the time to wrap his head around what he’d experienced when Boskie had hit Matt. Aubrey had never felt so desperate and helpless.
A group of noisy students walked out to the parking lot toward him.
This morning he’d left before Matt had awakened, and now excitement tingled through him at the prospect of seeing his mate. How could you miss someone after only a few hours?
A warm, almost sweet scent had him searching the crowd. He’d know that smell anywhere.
Heading Aubrey’s way, Matt fiddled with his phone, probably texting Logan. Aubrey hoped Matt’s mom and dad weren’t fighting today. He wanted to slap them both upside the head for making Matt feel as miserable as they did the last time. Come to think of it, Logan deserved to get knocked around a little too for telling Matt about it.
Matt walked right past a group of girls who stopped to watch him, completely unaware of their appreciative glances. Aubrey couldn’t blame them. His mate definitely required a double take. It was a quandary how someone as handsome as Matt could be so completely oblivious to the fact. Grinning ear to ear, Aubrey swung his leg back over the bike and stood beside it, waiting for his mate to notice him.
Two yards later, Matt glanced up. His gaze swept right past Aubrey. It took only a second for him to jerk his attention back. When he did, his entire face lit up. “Hey!” Matt bounded toward him like an energetic puppy, all smile and wagging tail. Well, he would’ve wagged his tail if he were in wolf form. In his other form, Matt’s tail never stopped going. It was endearing as hell.
Pure joy filled Aubrey at that reception. How was it that just seeing Matt made him feel so alive and free? Aubrey leaned against his bike, waiting for Matt to close the distance between them. “Hey.”
“What’re you doing here?”
Aubrey chuckled. “I came to see if you wanted to have lunch with me.”
“Heck yeah.” Matt lifted his arms like he was going to throw them around Aubrey.
Aubrey wanted him too. He fought his own instinct to hold his own arms out.
Matt stopped very close—way into Aubrey’s personal space. He winced and gave a quick look around. “Sorry.”
“’S okay.” Aubrey was torn between disappointment and relief. He stepped to the side, away from the bike and temptation as he cleared his throat. “Come on, I parked a ways down.”r />
Bouncing, Matt fell in step beside him. “Cool. What do you wanna eat? I’ll buy.”
“I’m buying. I came to take you to lunch. I get to buy, that’s how it works.”
Matt frowned. “You always pick up the tab,” he grumbled.
Aubrey’s face was going to crack with all this smiling. “Yeah, and? You know you’ve already lost this argument, right?”
Matt snorted. “Hardhead.”
“Hey, Matt. Wait up.”
Aubrey and Matt turned in unison, bumping shoulders. Who the hell is that?
A big guy, about six foot or so, jogged toward them. He was muscular and preppy with brown hair. Not a bad-looking guy, but not someone Aubrey would expect Matt to be friends with. This guy screamed popular, homecoming-king type. It wasn’t that Matt was a nerd or anything—okay, fine Matt was a little on the nerdy side sometimes.
“Oh shoot. I forgot I was supposed to have lunch with Jordan.” Matt waved to the guy, proving Aubrey’s nerd theory, and Aubrey smiled. “Hi, Jordan.”
Jordan cut his gaze to Aubrey, and his eyebrows lowered. The man smelled like wolf but not much else. It was odd. Odd enough that it garnered Aubrey’s undivided attention. People were rarely that unaffected by new meetings. Either Jordan was very unemotional or adept at hiding his responses. He didn’t seem strong enough to conceal his feelings, but that didn’t necessarily mean anything. If one practiced enough, anything was possible.
As the guy approached, Matt introduced them. “Aubrey, this is Jordan. Jordan, this is Aubrey.”
“Nice to meet you.” Aubrey held out his hand, all his senses on alert.
Jordan looked at the offered hand for a few seconds before he shook it. He didn’t tilt his head in respect. “You too.”
To be fair, Jordan could be ignorant of wolf customs due to being newly changed or poor upbringing, but the rudeness set Aubrey’s teeth on edge.
“Hey, Jordan, mind if I skip going to the cafeteria with you today? Aubrey stopped by and asked me to have lunch with him.”
Jordan’s head swiveled to Matt, and a genuine smile curved his lips. His demeanor softened.