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Without Reservations Page 3
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Page 3
Chay pulled in and slowed the truck. “Here?”
“Yeah, this is fine. I’ll have to go get the manager to let me in. I’m right up there. Listen, if you want to wait, I’ll run in and change and bring you your clothes back. The apartment manager lives directly across from me. Or I can wash them and bring them to you tomorrow after I get off work. It’s up to you.”
Chay smiled. You aren’t getting away from me that easy, Bit.
Keaton got out of the truck and shut the door. “Well, do you want to wait or do you want me to bring them to you?”
“What time do you get off work tomorrow?”
“My last class is at three o’clock.”
“What time do you usually get home?”
“About four-fifteen. Why?”
“I’ll get them tomorrow when I come for dinner at six. You have a preference of pizza toppings?”
Keaton frowned. “Look, I think it’s best we part ways here and now. You don’t want me, and I’ll be damned if I—”
“Okay, then. Pepperoni it is. See you tomorrow, Bit.” Chay pulled away with a satisfied grin and glanced in the rearview at an astonished Keaton. The man would eventually figure out that Chay was every bit as stubborn as he was.
Chapter Three
Keaton pushed his glasses up on his nose, looked back at the book and read the same sentence for the third time. Who was he kidding? He slammed the book shut and pulled his glasses off, setting them on top of the textbook. The clock on the microwave read five forty-five p.m. He did not care if Chay showed up. He didn’t. The man didn’t even like him.
Keaton groaned and got up from the kitchen table. Damn Chay anyway. Not only did the man have the audacity to be straight, he had to be Keaton’s type. He was gorgeous, smart, and obviously a kind, considerate man. Keaton rolled his eyes. Chay had practically run from the house screaming yesterday when Keaton had kissed him, but it didn’t stop him from trying to feed Keaton’s skinny ass and making sure he got home safely. To make matters worse, even after being so soundly set down, it hadn’t stopped Keaton from imagining Chay last night when he’d jerked off. Oh, what he wanted to do to that man. He could practically feel that nicely muscled body, moving over his…
A straight man. He could not do this again, not after Jonathon…and Jonathon wasn’t even his mate. This had the potential to be much worse. Keaton groaned and paced back into the kitchen. This entire situation seriously sucked. He had to stop this before it even started. It was better that way. Better for Chay and definitely better for him.
He smelled Chay before hearing the knock at the door. Keaton rolled his eyes. Even Chay’s scent called to him. And damn if his idiot cock didn’t jump up and take note of Chay’s arrival too. Stupid sensitive sense of smell. Damned pheromones. Keaton sighed and stomped to the door. He flung it open and glared.
Chay smiled—damn him—and held out a pizza box and a six-pack of beer.
“I don’t drink.”
Chay chuckled. “Hi, Bit. Nice to see you too. Gee, thanks, I’d love to come in.”
Keaton growled and stepped aside, letting Chay in. “My name isn’t Bit.”
The pizza box was shoved at him again, giving him no choice but to take it this time.
Chay set the beers on the kitchen counter and started wandering room to room.
Keaton’s lips twitched. The man had balls, he’d give him that. Most people would’ve been scared off by now. “Why are you here, Chay?”
“Because you are mine. I haven’t figured out what the hell I’m going to do with you yet, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re my mate.”
“How about you just leave and pretend we never met, go find yourself a nice girl, settle down, get married and have babies. No one but you and I will ever know she’s not your mate.”
Chay turned around from inspecting Keaton’s bedroom and looked him square in the eye, his gaze boring holes in Keaton. “No.” His eyes changed, the whites almost disappearing.
A thrill shot through Keaton. His own eyes started to shift, but he fought it off. He glanced down and noted Chay’s tented scrub pants. At least Chay’s body and his wolf instincts responded to him, even if his mind didn’t. Keaton wasn’t sure whether to be happy or to be pissed off about that too.
This was a no-win situation. The more Chay hung around, the more Keaton found to admire about the man. And that wasn’t even counting the physical pull. Chay was gorgeous, there were no two ways about that, but damn it, the man was likable too.
Not many people stood up to Keaton. It wasn’t like he was some intimidating big bodybuilder type, but he was a very powerful werewolf. The fact was wolves steered clear of him when he wanted them to. But not Chay. The man wasn’t the least bit intimidated. Somehow he doubted much did deter Chay. Keaton could fall for Chay, if he let himself. But to what ends? To always be his best bud? His pal? The thought didn’t hold much appeal, because somehow he knew his feelings for Chay would be much more, given half a chance. And what were the odds that Chay’s feelings would ever progress to that point?
“Come on, Bit, let’s eat, I’m hungry. I got extra pepperoni.” Chay walked past him, grabbing the box out of Keaton’s hands on the way to the kitchen. He set the box on the counter and started going through the cabinet.
Great. Keaton stormed into the kitchen and pulled down a couple of plates, handing them to Chay. He was hungry. Maybe after they ate he could explain why this was a bad idea.
“You wanna sit at the table? Or on the couch? Looks like you have work set out on the table.”
“Couch. You want a glass for your beer?”
“Nope. I’m good.” Chay settled himself on the couch and the food on the coffee table, then filled his plate with pizza. He popped the top on his beer and took a long swig. He had a nice strong neck. A neck meant to sink teeth into, to lick.
“You gonna eat, Bit? Or are you going to stand there staring at me with a glass in your hand?”
Keaton closed his eyes, more pissed off at himself for staring than at Chay’s smug remarks. He filled his glass with ice tea and joined Chay on the couch.
They ate in silence. As soon as they finished, Keaton took their empty plates and the empty pizza box to the kitchen. When he came back to the den, Chay had stretched out on the couch with his arms over the back and his feet out in front of him. The man had long legs. He had to be at least six inches taller than Keaton. Keaton had always liked tall men.
Keaton sat on the other end of the couch. He was supposed to be getting Chay out of here, not admiring the man’s bod. “Listen, Chay. I appreciate you trying to make things work. But it’s not going to. It would be best if we didn’t see each other anymore.”
Chay leaned forward and caught Keaton’s chin in his hand.
Keaton was so stunned he just sat there.
Chay drew close enough Keaton could feel his breath on his skin. “This is about the kiss isn’t it? I’m sorry. It caught me by surprise. I’ve never kissed a guy before.”
He nodded, his chin still in Chay’s grasp. “Yes, but that’s not—”
Chay kissed him. Just closed his mouth right over Keaton’s.
He couldn’t do this. He had to stop, but his body refused to listen. The next thing he knew Chay’s tongue probed at his lips. Keaton moaned and opened up for him, sliding his own tongue out to play. He felt Chay’s canines with his tongue, then felt the sting in his gums signaling his fangs elongating.
Chay moved away a tad, nipping Keaton’s bottom lip as he did. His eyes were once again wolf eyes. “That wasn’t bad. Not bad at all.”
Keaton blinked, his vision going monochrome. He whimpered, leaning forward, practically begging. How pathetic was that?
“That’s it, Bit. Don’t fight it.” Chay’s grin turned feral as he slanted his mouth over Keaton’s again.
God, he didn’t want to, he needed to but… Maybe Chay could develop feelings for him.
Keaton pulled back and scooted away from Chay. “Okay,
listen. You wanna be friends, get to know each other, okay. It’s against my better judgment, but okay.”
Chay smiled and slid closer to him.
Keaton held a hand out. “But no kissing. No touching, no…no…nothing physical.”
Yeah, why? his cock wanted to know. “Because, we aren’t getting involved. We’re only friends.”
The look on Chay’s face said, “Wanna bet?” but he nodded. “Okay, Bit. If that’s how you want it.”
Keaton’s prick chimed in too, telling him to shut the fuck up. He ignored it and frowned at Chay. “My name’s not Bit.”
Chay was spread out on his couch and by the looks of him he had no intention of moving anytime soon. Keaton couldn’t decide whether to be irritated or relieved that Chay was actually trying to get to know him. Oddly enough they had quite a bit in common. They both liked country music, but Chay liked metal too and Keaton couldn’t stand the stuff. Keaton liked classical and Chay couldn’t stand it. They both liked football but had different favorite teams, he liked the Jaguars and Chay was a diehard Cowboys fan. Lots of their favorite foods were the same. Both of them had summer birthdays and they both loved to read. Chay liked mysteries and erotic romance, Keaton preferred a good historical biography. They even liked the same types of movies, comedies and actions, although Chay admitted to liking the occasional chick flick and Keaton wouldn’t go within thirty yards of one. All in all the evening had been a learning experience.
After three hours of idle chitchat and getting to know one another Chay looked at his watch. He got up and stretched. “I hate to leave but I have the ten o’clock shift to check on animals.”
“Check on animals?” Keaton knew Chay was a vet, but…
“Yup. Gotta go up to the office and make sure everyone is right and tight. I had a surgery this morning and delivered some puppies. They’re so cute. The owner is out of town, so they are still there. Ya wanna see them?”
Ooh, he liked puppies—kittens too actually—but he shouldn’t press his luck. It had been a nice evening despite his efforts to derail it before it started. He shook his head.
Chay chuckled, grabbed his hand and pulled him up. “No you don’t, Bit. I saw that look on your face when I mentioned puppies. You’re coming with me.”
“Chay, really, I can’t. I have an early class tomorrow. And quit calling me Bit.”
Chay just smiled, damn him. Something told Keaton he’d better get used to the nickname.
“All right, I’ll go with you to your office, but afterward I have to come home and go to bed.”
One of Chay’s dark eyebrows lifted and a grin tugged at his lips.
Keaton laughed. Good Lord the man is going to be the death of me. “Alone.”
“I didn’t say anything.” Chay chuckled and tugged Keaton out the door.
“Wait. Gotta get my keys.”
“You could always spend the night at my house if you get locked out.”
“Ha ha. Will you quit flirting with me?” Keaton grabbed his keys and followed Chay out the door.
“That another one of your rules, Bit? No touching, no kissing, no flirting?”
“You forgot no calling me Bit.”
“Yeah, I don’t like that one. I don’t think I like the no flirting either.” Chay opened his truck, clicked the button to unlock the passenger side and got in.
Oh brother. If Chay was going to disregard rules he didn’t like, Keaton was in big trouble. He slid into the truck and put his seat belt on as Chay started the truck and backed out. “How does that work? You ignore rules you don’t like?”
Those full sensual lips quirked. “Well yeah. I mean, it’s worked so far. Annoys the crap out of my mom, but hey…”
Keaton smiled. The man was something else. His good humor and carefree attitude was catching.
“Speaking of my mother…”
“…what are you doing tomorrow night?”
Okay this could be a case of opening his mouth and inserting his foot, but he didn’t want to lie to Chay. If they were going to have any kind of a relationship it needed to be founded on honesty. And up until this point it had, brutal honesty actually. “Same thing I do every night. Finish up my lesson plans, grade any tests that need grading and then read or watch TV. So basically nothing. Why?” Dare I ask?
“I’m having dinner with my folks tomorrow evening. I want you to go with me. Meet my parents.”
He did a mental eye roll. He knew that was coming. “Do you really think that’s a good idea?”
Chay nodded. “I think it’s a great idea.”
Keaton snorted. “Yeah. Hey, Mom, Dad. This is Keaton. I know I’m straight, but he’s my mate. Don’t know what the hell I’m going to do about it yet, but deal with it.”
“We really have to work on your pessimistic attitude, Bit. You are definitely a ‘glass half-empty’ kind of guy.” Chay laughed. “I will introduce you as my friend.”
“Well…okay, I guess.” Yup, it had definitely been an open-mouth, insert-foot situation. What the hell had he agreed to?
Chapter Four
When Bit walked down the stairs of his apartment the next evening headed for Chay’s truck, the first thing that popped into Chay’s head was mine. The second was damn the man is a looker. Which no longer creeped Chay out. Sometime yesterday, Bit being a guy ceased being an issue for him. After spending the evening with Keaton and getting to know him, and seeing him “ooh” and “ahh” over those puppies…no way in hell was Chay going anywhere. Bit was his and the man was going to have to deal with it. Aside from the penis, Bit was everything he’d ever wanted in a mate. Chay genuinely liked the younger man, was intrigued by him. Although, he had to admit, the instinctual physical pull of a mate was still present, it wasn’t the main reason he was sticking around.
Chay grinned as Bit slid into the truck and shut the door.
Keaton wore a pair of khaki pants and a blue pullover shirt, and damn he smelled good. Chay’s cock perked right up at the scent. Actually, his prick had started getting hard from the thought of seeing Keaton again. He should probably be embarrassed, knowing Keaton could smell his arousal, but he wasn’t. It was fate. For some reason or another he’d been given a male mate and he was going to enjoy it. Who was he to question the powers that be? He was lucky, some wolves never found their mates.
“Hey, Bit. How was your day?”
Keaton chuckled and shook his head. “I can see I’m going to have to find an equally annoying nickname for you, aren’t I?”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because you insist on calling me Bit. And my day was good, thank you. How was yours?” Keaton looked Chay over from head to toe, then grabbed his seat belt and put it on.
Chay glanced down and noticed a distinct tenting in Bit’s slacks. Somehow it felt better knowing he wasn’t the only one affected. The fact that, for once, Bit wasn’t snarling at him, felt pretty damned excellent too. “It was fine. You’re in a good mood.”
Keaton shrugged. “The thought of home-cooked food, I guess.”
“Hmm, the thought of my mother’s potato salad gives you wood?”
Bit’s eyes widened comically, the heart-shaped lips parted slightly, then he burst into laughter. And boy, those sky blue eyes crinkling at the edges and sparkling with humor was a pretty sight. “Well, I’m not the only one.” Bit glanced down at Chay’s lap. “Apparently, it’s some damned good potato salad.”
Chay laughed. This was fun. Bit was a pleasure to be around when he wasn’t grumbling about not getting involved with a “straight man”. “Oh God. I hope like hell we don’t have it tonight. I don’t think I can keep a straight face if we do.”
Bit nodded, still giggling. “Me too. I don’t think I want to explain that one to your parents.” He dabbed the tears out of his eyes. “Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Winston, nice to meet you. It’s not the food that’s funny…Chay wants to fuck the potato salad.”
“Not the potato
salad, Bit.”
Bit blinked at him, wide-eyed, and cackled even harder. “Don’t want to explain that either.”
Yeah, neither did he. Just the thought of telling them who Keaton was—to him—was a nightmare. Why was he laughing so hard?
Finally, they stopped enough for Chay to put the truck in gear and get on the road. “You know, Bit, that might not be a bad way to break it to them. The lesser of two evils, so to speak. I mean which is worse, your mate being a man, or the idea that you have a hard-on for food?”
“Good point.” Keaton got quiet for a minute. “You aren’t planning on telling them, are you?” A slight quiver laced Bit’s voice.
Chay glanced over at him. Bit shifted uncomfortably. “Nah, not yet. Relax. I told you I’d take it slow and I meant it. You have my word. I won’t say anything until you decide it’s okay.”
The tension on the other side of the truck seemed to ease a bit. “I’m not trying to be a hardass, Chay. I just…it’s…you don’t like guys that way and now, you do want me that way? It’s a little hard to believe. Hard to trust, ya know? Not saying you’re lying, but…”
Chay did understand. He’d had a hard time figuring it out himself. One thing he knew for certain though, the thought of being with Keaton, making love to him, didn’t repulse Chay. Just the opposite actually. “I don’t know how to explain it. You’re my mate and that is all that matters, we can work around the rest.” Thinking about it now, gay sex had never disgusted him, he’d just always preferred females. But with Keaton? Keaton was everything he’d ever wanted in a mate. More actually, Bit had extra…well, bits. Chay’s lips twitched, but he gained control quickly. Somehow, under the circumstances, he didn’t think Keaton would share his amusement. “When I was little I used to dream about you.”
“Me?” Bit’s voice squeaked.
Chay nodded. “I knew my mate would have blue eyes and blond hair.” He smiled fondly. “My mom used to tell me no way, no how was I getting a white mate. She insisted my mate would be one of us, Apache or maybe Lakota like her. But I knew. I wasn’t a bit surprised when I walked into that exam room and saw that pale blond fur.”