Without Reservations Page 10
“Sorry about that, Bit. I know it doesn’t excuse his behavior, but his dad is a real asshole. He didn’t have the easiest time growing up.” Chay turned slowly from the window.
“You don’t have to apologize to me. You know this is only the beginning, right? It’s going to get worse.”
Chay nodded.
“Do you really want to be an outcast? Shunned by your friends, your family?”
Chay cocked his head. “Is that what happened to you, Bit? Did your friends all abandon you when you told them you were gay?”
“No. I didn’t have any friends.”
“Everyone has friends.”
Keaton shook his head. “I don’t.”
“First, I was too rich, my family too snobby. Then I was too smart, I made people uncomfortable. After that, I was way too powerful of a werewolf and made everyone uneasy. Next there was my sexuality.” He shrugged. “I’m just not a person who inspires close relationships, I guess.”
“What about boyfriends?”
“There was just the one. And we were never that close.”
Chay raised a brow. “Because he wasn’t out?”
“Yeah, he insisted he wasn’t gay. Pretty much everyone I’ve ever cared about has distanced themselves from me, in one form or another.”
Chay walked over to him and reached out a hand.
Keaton looked at it, and his eyes followed it up to Chay’s face. When he took it, Chay drew him out of the chair, sat down and pulled Keaton onto his lap.
Chay kissed his nose and leaned back in the chair, holding him close. “I’m not going anywhere, Bit. You can quit waiting for me to leave, it’s not going to happen.”
Keaton wished he could believe that wholeheartedly. He did believe it on some level, but there was still a little bit of doubt in the back of his mind. “I can’t help it. I feel like I’m destroying your life. I’ve already lost you a friend. God only knows how your parents are going to react.”
Chay placed a hand on the side of Keaton’s head, holding him to Chay’s chest, and kissed him again. “It’s destiny, Bit. If my friends and family desert me, they didn’t care that much about me in the first place. It doesn’t matter to me that you are a man instead of a woman. To be quite honest, I don’t think I’d care if you were a wolf…I mean like a regular wolf not able to shift back and forth. And it isn’t just sex.”
Keaton looked up at Chay, pulling back slightly to see his face. “Are you trying to tell me you love me?” He was shameless, but he couldn’t help it. Keaton wanted to hear it again, addressed to him this time instead of in an argument with Remi.
Chay smiled. “Yeah, Bit, I do. But that isn’t what I’m trying to say.”
Chay sighed. “I’m trying to tell you that I’m not going to run out on you. I’m not going to split, because my family and friends don’t like it. You mean more to me than they do. I know it’s not going to be easy. But it’s something I’m willing to fight for.”
Wow. He knew what Chay meant. He’d never felt the connection he had with Chay with anyone else. He knew logically that it was due to their genes, but he couldn’t help but think that he’d feel this way even if they weren’t mates. He still didn’t want to be the reason Chay’s life spiraled down the toilet though. He kissed Chay and smiled. “Okay. I’m here for you, but I’m warning you it’s not going to be easy.”
Chay chuckled and squeezed him tight, squishing the breath out of him. “I know, I know. Everyone is going to hate me and want nothing to do with me. I got it. You sound like a broken record.”
Keaton snorted. “I didn’t say everyone was going to hate you.”
“What about you, Bit? Are you going to hate me?” Chay asked with a glint in his eye and a smug smile on his lips.
Keaton grinned. The man was too smug. “Is this your way of trying to finagle a confession of everlasting love out of me?”
Chay’s eyes widened. He tried to look offended, but it wasn’t working, with the wicked, knowing gleam in his eye. “Would I do such an underhanded thing?”
Keaton laughed. “You would do whatever it takes to get your way. I have absolutely no doubt about that.”
Chay stopped smiling, his eyes suddenly serious. “I love you, Bit. I really do.”
Whoa. Keaton couldn’t breathe. His heart was about to pound out of his chest. Chay’d said it without Keaton even having to ask. Did he love Chay? He knew Chay expected him to say it back to him, but…could he trust Chay with that vulnerability?
“You don’t have to say anything, Keaton. I just thought you should know.”
He nodded. In for a penny, in for a pound. It was going to kill him if Chay ever did decide he didn’t want him. Telling the man how he felt wasn’t going to change that, because he did feel it. “I love you too, Chay.”
Chay’s smile became radiant. “You know coming from you that means everything. You stubborn shit.”
Keaton’s jaw practically hit the floor. “I still hate your damned pheromones though.”
Chay cackled, his eyes tearing up with humor. He grabbed Keaton’s head with both hands and kissed him.
The last coherent thought Keaton had was that life with Chay would never be dull.
Chapter Ten
“Did you know there are gay penguins?”
What? Keaton looked up from his book. “Excuse me?”
Chay lay across from him, reading. He nodded and put his magazine—something to do with animals and vets and stuff—on his stomach. “Yeah, there is, really. There are all sorts of homosexual relationships in animal species.”
Keaton blinked and pushed his glasses back up his nose.
“There are monkeys and sheep—well rams actually—and cows and even dolphins. There are even—what? Why are you laughing?”
“I had no idea you were such a nerd.”
Keaton grinned. Oh Lord, how geeky did a person have to be to know about gay animals? Of course, it could be common vet knowledge, but he doubted it. More than likely it was because Chay watched way too much Discovery Channel. Or maybe it was just in the magazine he was reading. “Did you just read that?”
“No. I was reading an article about new egg incubators and it made me think of the penguins. They actually tried to hatch rocks.”
Keaton smiled. This was too good. Mr. Popularity was a geek in disguise. “Chay, who invented the printing press?”
“Just answer the question.”
“Uh…Johann Gutenberg?”
He suppressed a snicker. “Who invented the sleeping railroad car?”
“George Pullman.”
Damn, this was getting better and better. Keaton smiled so big his face hurt. “How about the cotton gin?”
“Eli Whitney. Why are you asking me these stupid questions?”
“How many bones in the human body?”
“Two hundred and six. There are approximately three hundred and twenty in a canine. About two hundred and fifty in felines and one hundred and seventy-five in equines.”
This was great! No wonder they got along so well. “You, Dr. Winston, are a geek.”
Chay rolled his eyes, picked his magazine up and started reading again. “Takes one to know one,” he mumbled under his breath.
Keaton put the bookmark in his Apache history book and set it on the side table. He grinned like an idiot, but he couldn’t help it. Chay tried hard to hide the fact that he was brainy. Keaton had known he was a smart man, he’d have to be to have gotten into vet school, but he never showed just how smart he was.
Keaton cackled. “I never said I wasn’t. Hell, I’m the king of geeks! If I wore shirts with pockets, I’d have a pocket protector.”
Chay groaned and put the magazine over his face. “A pocket protector does not a geek make. Nor does tape on the glasses.”
“You have a pocket protector, don’t you?”
“In my lab coat.”
br /> Keaton took off the wire-rimmed frames, set them on top of his book and slinked to the couch. He removed the magazine from Chay’s face as he sat next to him.
Chay pulled him forward and kissed his nose. “All right, Goldilocks. Why is it funny that I am not some brainless jock?”
Keaton blinked, opened his mouth then snapped it shut. He was not going to respond to that nickname. He wasn’t. Chay called him by these ridiculous nicknames to get a reaction out of him. If he ignored the name, it would go away. The only ones that stuck were the ones he complained about. But damn, that was a bad one.
“Well, Goldy?”
“No! Absolutely not. No way. You can not call me that.”
“Or?” Chay had a wicked gleam in his eye.
“Or I’m going to kick your ass.” Keaton glared, trying to look fierce.
Chay chuckled. Damn him.
Maybe if he started thinking up equally obnoxious nicknames to call Chay, he’d stop? Nah, probably not, the man had a perverse sense of humor, he’d probably like it. Keaton sighed.
Chay dug his fingers into Keaton’s ribs, tickling.
Keaton squeaked and halfheartedly fended him off. They fell on the floor in a tangle of arms and legs. He tried to tickle Chay back, but Chay had a longer reach and outweighed him by about fifty or sixty pounds. He ended up on his back with Chay sitting on top of him. They both laughed. It didn’t take long before Pita got in on the action. He ran around in circles barking his fool head off, licking Keaton’s face every time he ran by it.
Keaton got a hold of one of Chay’s hands and Pita nipped him on the nose. “Oww!” He stopped struggling against Chay long enough to swat at Pita.
The puppy dropped his chest to the floor, leaving his butt sticking up in the air, tail wagging, and growled at him.
Chay laughed harder. “I guess this means we aren’t allowed to play without him.”
“I guess not. Little shithead bit my nose. Those puppy teeth hurt.”
Chay stopped tickling him and kissed his nose. “Tell me about it. The little brat got my ear the other night, remember?”
Keaton chuckled. “Yup, I remember.”
“It wasn’t funny.”
“Yes, it was. The big bad wolf brought down by a tiny puppy. It was hilarious.” He smirked.
“All right, Goldilocks—”
Keaton groaned. “I’ll make you a deal. You don’t call me Goldilocks anymore and I won’t tell the entire pack you were felled by a seven-week-old puppy.”
Chay sighed. “Okay, add in a kiss and it’s a deal.”
“Oh gee, I don’t know.” Keaton pretended to think about it.
Chay braced himself on his hands above Keaton. He growled and nipped Keaton’s bottom lip. “Behave and kiss me, Bit.” His tongue skimmed over the seam of Keaton’s lips.
He opened his mouth with a sigh, letting Chay in. The kiss was gentle at first, long languid strokes of tongue and a little nibbling. It wasn’t long before he smelled Chay’s arousal. It incited his own.
Chay moaned, his hard prick pressed into Keaton’s thigh, and the kiss quickly became heated. Chay rolled them over so Keaton was on top. He pulled Keaton’s shirt over his head and tossed it on the couch. His mouth closed over Keaton’s shoulder and his hands groped everywhere, Keaton’s back, his ass, his hair.
Keaton arched into Chay’s hands, enjoying the caresses. His hard cock begged for attention. He moved down, dislodging Chay’s teeth from his shoulder, and pushed his cock against Chay’s.
Chay gasped and rolled them again. He climbed off Keaton and started kissing his way down Keaton’s chest. He sat next to Keaton, bending over his body. When Chay got to the waistband of Keaton’s gym shorts, he eased them and the briefs off Keaton.
After Keaton’s prick came free of the elastic band, Chay engulfed it in his mouth.
Keaton hissed out a breath and fought to keep his hips still as Chay sucked him. “God. Chay come up here.” He leaned over and snagged one of Chay’s bare feet and pulled, letting Chay know what he wanted.
Chay unfolded his legs and slid his body out beside Keaton, giving him better access.
Keaton turned on his side, matching Chay’s movements, and tugged at the drawstring until he got it undone. He pushed the pajama pants off Chay and the thick cock came free with a bounce. Keaton fisted it, guiding it to his mouth.
Chay’s tongue trailed across his balls. Keaton groaned around the hot prick in his mouth as Chay sucked lightly and laved his testicles.
Keaton worked Chay’s dick between his lips, trying to concentrate on his mate’s pleasure instead of his own. The smooth hot length of Chay’s dick slid in and out of his mouth with ease as Chay licked up his shaft. His hips pushed forward before he could stop himself. He wanted Chay’s mouth around his cock.
Chay didn’t disappoint. He sucked Keaton down, taking half his prick in and squeezing the base in his hand.
Keaton moaned, and moved faster on Chay’s prick, his head bobbing now. He was really getting into it, his hips making short jabs, when Chay pulled his head back, letting Keaton’s dick slide all the way out. Keaton continued to suck his mate.
“Uh, Bit.”
“Uh,” he answered around Chay’s prick.
“The dog is staring at me.”
Keaton almost choked. He let the cock slip out of his mouth and looked down at his mate.
Chay frowned, staring past Keaton’s hip.
“So what? Suck me.”
“No, the puppy is watching.”
Keaton groaned and got up. He didn’t see how that was a problem as long as Pita didn’t decide to join in, but Chay obviously wasn’t going to continue with their audience. “Bedroom.” He offered Chay a hand up and led the way down the hall.
They hit the bed at the same time, regaining their former positions in a hurry.
Chay’s mouth wrapped around Keaton’s dick, making him gasp. He quickly returned the favor and swallowed Chay’s cock down. Inside of seconds they were both moaning, hips pumping their pricks into the other’s mouth.
One of Chay’s hands grabbed his ass, urging him to move, the other hand teased his crease. Oh fuck, the man was something. He may not have been sucking dick long, but damn he was good at it. He couldn’t deep throat like Keaton could, but he made up for it with enthusiasm and inventiveness.
Chay pushed a finger into his mouth beside Keaton’s dick as he continued to suck. Keaton’s balls drew tighter when he realized Chay’s intent. Chay did exactly as anticipated. He removed the finger from his mouth and began teasing Keaton’s hole with it.
A shiver raced up his spine as the finger pressed in. He let Chay’s cock slip out of his mouth. “Fuck yes.”
Chay moved his finger in time with his mouth, fucking and sucking for all he was worth.
Keaton glanced down his body, watching his dick slide in and out of Chay’s mouth. It was hotter than hell, seeing his gorgeous mate take his cock. It pushed him right over. Keaton stiffened, his hips pressing forward further into Chay’s mouth and his balls emptying themselves down Chay’s throat.
Chay pulled his finger free and laid his head on the bed, panting for air.
Keaton took a few seconds to catch his breath and let his body stop trembling. “Are you okay?” He didn’t give Chay time to answer, instead he grabbed Chay’s cock, noticing the drops of semen on the tip, and swallowed it, taking him all the way down.
Chay’s hips bucked and he gasped. “Fuck yes. I am now.” Within seconds Chay came, filling his mouth with hot, salty spunk.
He lay there sucking lightly on the softening cock for quite some time. He was almost asleep when Chay reached down and dragged him up.
Somehow he managed to get in the bed the right way with Chay spooned around him. Chay kissed his neck and snuggled close, making him feel loved and cherished. This was the life. What a great way to spend a chilly Saturday afternoon.
He’d nearly drifted off when Chay’s voice pulled him back.
“Bit. The dog is staring at me again.”
His stomach was eating itself, he was so hungry. Chay groaned and got out of bed, careful not to wake Bit. What a terrible way to ruin a perfectly good day. He hated cooking and if he remembered correctly, he’d used all the sandwich stuff for breakfast. He’d had to use sandwich stuff for breakfast because Bit had fixed the last of the Pop Tarts and Eggos for dinner last night. He was going to have to cook, if they were going to eat. Damn it. Maybe he should hire a chef? Hell, he’d settle for a short-order cook at the moment.
Chay went to the living room to find his clothes. He put on his pants and dragged his feet all the way to the kitchen. He took inventory of the pantry and came up with macaroni and cheese. Now if he could find some sort of meat, they’d be set.
He was standing in front of the fridge staring when he heard something outside. Probably the neighbor’s cat. Oh well, he should check it out, standing in front of the freezer hadn’t magically made food. He shut the door and ambled to the living room.
Pita came down the hall yawning. The puppy spotted him and wagged his tail.
“Hey, pup. You hungry too?”
Pita bounced over and headbutted Chay’s shin, asking to be petted.
He chuckled and scratched behind Pita’s ears.
A loud clank had them both jumping and heading to the front door. What had that cat gotten into now?
Chay opened the front door.
A man ran down the driveway. What the…? “Hey!”
The man looked back, running faster.
Pita growled and charged out the door.
“Shit. Pita!” Chay took off after the puppy. He caught him halfway down the drive. The man, however, was well on his way to a clean escape. Chay sniffed the air. The man was a wolf, but the scent wasn’t familiar. He thought about chasing him, but to what end? A quick glance around didn’t turn up any damage. He’d never had any problems with burglars or vandals and such before. He lived in a relatively nice neighborhood. It was older but still in great shape.
The wind blew making the leaves swirl around his feet. He shivered. Damn, it was cold out. Fall had definitely arrived. He tucked Pita under his arm and looked around the house in a more thorough inspection. He still didn’t see anything. Nothing seemed to be disturbed. He must have scared the man off before he could steal anything. Was the man a visiting wolf? Or maybe it was a homeless man trying to get warm? Not that he’d ever seen any homeless people in his neighborhood before. Just because the man was a wolf didn’t mean he wasn’t a garden-variety criminal too.