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Without Reservations Page 11

  To be on the safe side he checked around his truck and Bit’s car. Everything appeared fine. He shrugged and walked back to the house, scratching the puppy’s head as he went. “You were going to get him, weren’t you, boy?”

  “What the hell are you doing outside, barefoot, with no shirt in this weather?” Keaton stood at the door in a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. He was rubbing his arms and his hair stuck up every which way. God, he was cute.

  “Hey, Bit.” He kissed Keaton’s forehead on the way in the house and handed him the puppy.

  Bit shut the door and locked it. “What were you doing outside?”

  “I heard something and came to check it out. Saw a guy running off. Pita charged out the door after him.”

  Keaton’s eyes widened. “Really? Did you catch him?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. But Pita sure tried.”

  Pita squirmed in Bit’s arms and Bit put him on the floor. He scampered toward the back of the house. They heard the dog door open and close.

  “Is it safe for him to be out there?”

  Chay shrugged. “Yeah, we scared the guy off. I couldn’t find any evidence that he tampered with anything.”

  “Hmm…” Bit walked past him, still rubbing his arms. “Did you get a good scent? Was it someone you recognized?”

  He followed Bit into the kitchen.

  Bit stood at the refrigerator door, leaning on it, looking inside.

  “Yeah, I got a good scent, the man was a wolf, but I didn’t recognize it.”

  Bit moved some stuff around in the fridge and stood back up, once again staring into the open refrigerator. “You think maybe we should call the pack? Or maybe the police?”

  Chay wondered how long it would take Keaton to realize they needed to go grocery shopping. “And tell them what? If I didn’t recognize the scent, he’s not from our pack and there wasn’t anything messed with. Besides, I don’t think he’ll be coming back, knowing that I saw him.”

  “What did he look like?” Bit started rubbing his arms again.

  “I didn’t see him see him, but I know he was about five-eight with a slim build. He had on a dark green jacket, a red ball cap and black jeans.”

  “Hmm. You think it was just someone nosing around?”

  “More than likely. Probably looking things over, seeing if there was anything easy to steal. I’ll call John Carter tomorrow and see if any visiting wolves have checked in with him.”

  “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. Why don’t we lock Pita in for the night though, just in case.”

  Right on cue the dog door opened and closed. Pita came bouncing into the kitchen.

  “I agree. It’s better to be safe than sorry.” Chay leaned against the cabinet and watched the puppy go to the fridge, put his front feet on the bottom ledge and have a look.

  Bit shooed him away. After another minute he shut the door and turned toward Chay. “We don’t have shit to eat.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Keaton woke to an insistent whining noise. What the hell? The whine came again, followed by a constant thud. He blinked his eyes open and looked at the clock. Eight a.m. Keaton grunted and mumbled, “Fuck.”

  He reached for Chay and came up empty-handed. Chay’s side of the bed was cold. Which would explain the thud. The man was insane for working out at eight on a Sunday morning. And how did he listen to that crappy music?

  Pita started whining again.

  “Damn it.” Keaton sat up and ran his hands down his face. Jesus Christ, he was going to have to work harder at tiring the man out at night. The thought that Chay could still get up at this time of day after the strenuous exercise the night before was a real blow to the ego.

  Apparently, the puppy had slept through Chay’s departure too. Keaton threw his legs over the side of the bed and padded naked down the hall to let the puppy out.

  He opened the dog door for Pita and cool air whooshed in, deflating his morning wood. Damn, it was cold outside. He should get some clothes on, but his stomach growling brought him up short. He was already closer to the kitchen. What a dilemma. He shrugged and headed for the kitchen. He’d grab some cold pizza from the night before and take it back to bed and eat. There was bound to be something on TV. Just because Chay was demented and up working out, didn’t mean he had to get out of bed yet.

  He got into the kitchen and found the pizza box lying open, empty on the table. “Damn it.” Chay could have at least saved him a piece. Shit. He wasn’t a morning person at the best of times. “Wake up with no one to snuggle with, dog whining, shitty music playing, fucking freezing outside and now no damned food.” He growled.

  Pita came in from outside as Keaton left the kitchen. They walked together to the extra bedroom Chay used as a workout room.

  He opened the door and the deafening tones of Gray Mummy or White Zombie or whatever the name of that damned band assaulted him. Whatever it was Pita thought it sucked too. He took off back to the bedroom. Wus. Keaton rolled his eyes.

  Chay sat on the bench in a pair of black wind shorts and sneakers doing biceps curls.

  Keaton blinked at the flex of sweaty muscles. Ooh, that was a nice sight. His cock appreciated the view too. His stomach, however, could care less, it demanded food. He walked over to the stereo and turned it down.

  Chay looked up at him and smiled. “Morning, Bit. I didn’t wake you up, did I?”

  “Nope, Pita did.”

  “Oh, shit, babe! I was hoping to finish working out and then go get you some donuts. I ate all the pizza.”

  Wow. How cool was that? Okay, maybe he wouldn’t strangle Chay over the pizza. He still had issue with waking up in bed alone and shitty music…well and the weather too, but he didn’t suppose that was Chay’s fault, so he’d let it slide this once.

  Chay set his dumbbell down and came to him. He bent and brushed his lips over Keaton’s.

  Keaton considered not responding for about half a second, then decided that would be childish, not to mention cutting his nose off to spite his face. He opened up and kissed Chay back. Yum, pizza. His stomach growled again.

  Chay pulled back, smiling. “Want me to throw on some clothes and go get you some donuts?”

  God, he loved this man. He decided that the shitty music was forgiven too. “Nah. I’ll go get dressed and get some. I’ll even get you some too, if you promise to eat them in bed with me.”

  Chay grabbed Keaton’s semi-erect cock and squeezed. “You forgive me for not waking you up properly?”

  Keaton shivered, his cock taking interest. It looked like he was going to have to forgive that too. He bucked into his mate’s hand, hardening fully.

  The gleam in Chay’s eye was positively wicked as he jerked Keaton’s prick. “If I eat donuts in bed with you are we gonna play ring toss?”

  He snorted. “Not with my donuts, I’m starving. You can do what you want with your own. But I’m warning you right now. I get sprinkles in my ass and I’m moving into the guest room.”

  Chay laughed and pumped Keaton’s dick faster.

  Keaton closed his eyes and went with it. Chay was well on the way to being forgiven for things he hadn’t even done yet. Damn, it felt good.

  Teeth nibbled at his jaw and the fist around his prick got tighter, moved faster. He was so close he felt like his knees were going to give out. He surged up into Chay’s hand twice before he gasped for air and spurted all over the place.

  Chay kissed him once more and let go of him. Keaton staggered a little and braced himself on the doorframe. Damn. He felt like he’d been hit by a Mack Truck.

  Chay came back with a towel and cleaned Keaton, the floor and Chay’s hand. He tossed the towel over his shoulder. “You know, speaking of the guest room, I’ve been thinking about that. Since I use this room as my weight room, why don’t you take the other spare bedroom and do something with it? You can turn it into an office or maybe a library.”

  Keaton blinked. Huh? What the hell was Chay talking about? It was obvious that one
of them hadn’t come. Keaton finally focused on what Chay had said and shrugged. It was a thought. Maybe he would…after Chay told everyone they were mates. “I’ll think about it.” He looked down at the tented material of Chay’s shorts. “You want me to take care of that for you?” Keaton’s belly rumbled.

  “Nah, I’m good. It will keep until you get back. Go get you something to eat.”

  He started to argue but his gut decided to protest by cramping. “Okay. You convinced me. I’m starving.” He kissed Chay on the chin and turned to leave.

  Chay swatted his butt as he left.

  Wow. What a morning. And to think he’d thought it was going to suck.

  Keaton searched for his car keys before he went to change. One of the things that had sold him on the two thousand and four, silver Chevy Impala was that it had an automatic start. He could turn it on with the remote and it’d be all nice and warm by the time he got in it. Technology…you had to love it. Well, it wasn’t the only reason. It was a cool-looking car and fast too.

  He found his keys on the table in the entry hall, started the car and headed back down the hall to get dressed.

  He threw on a sweatsuit and shoes, grabbed his wallet and ran out to the car. Damn, it was cold. He hated winter. Well, technically it was autumn, but…cold sucked. Fortunately, his car was nice and warm inside. The drive to the donut shop was pretty quiet. All the sane people were still in bed. Which is where he’d be if he could cook. He was going to have to consider trying to cook if he couldn’t talk Chay into it. There were too many other things he could be doing if he wasn’t always going to get food. It was a sad state of affairs when everyone at the local burger place knew him on sight. And the pizza place actually knew him by name.

  He pulled up to the donut shop and noticed his brakes were a little squishy. Hmmm, that wasn’t good, he needed to have someone look at them. The pedal shouldn’t go that far down. He shrugged, maybe it was air in the brake line? He left the car running and locked it with the remote. He ordered a dozen chocolate-covered, a dozen glazed and two-dozen donut holes. He figured if he got enough maybe they’d have some left for tomorrow morning, or knowing Chay, they’d only make it until lunch. Chay could eat his weight in donuts. The man had a sweet tooth that put Keaton’s mother to shame.

  On the way back, Keaton ate donut holes and flipped radio channels. Why was it they all played commercials at the same time? Up the road a ways there was a kid on a red bike, riding on the sidewalk. Keaton wasn’t sure why, but he had the feeling the kid was going to dart out in front of him. He stepped on the brakes to slow, just in case his intuition was correct. Nothing happened. What the… He pumped the pedal. The car slowed, but not enough. Shit! His brakes were out. He reached for the emergency brake release and put his foot over the brake at the exact same time the kid rode his bike into the street.

  Keaton didn’t have enough time to stop so he swerved to the left. A huge oak tree stopped his forward progress.

  “Are you Chayton Winston?”

  Chay looked up to find a small Native American woman in a pair of dark green scrubs standing before him. He nodded and stood. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Come right this way, he’s been asking for you.” She hit a button on the wall and led him through a set of double doors. “The doctor is going to want to talk to you before we release him. He’ll give you a list of instructions. Oh and the sheriff is waiting too, but I thought I’d take you in to see Keaton first.” She stopped before an open doorway and turned toward him. “He’s a little groggy and not making a lot of sense. That’s because of the concussion. The doctor ordered a CAT scan when he was brought in and it looked fine. In a couple of hours he ought to be more like himself.”

  Chay nodded. He just wanted to see his mate. As soon as he stepped inside the room, Bit smiled.

  “Hi, Chay. You aren’t hurt, are you?” Keaton had a bandage on his forehead and seemed a little paler than normal, or was that just the harsh lighting? He looked very small lying there, his big blue eyes blinking sleepily at Chay.

  “What?” Chay walked over to the bed and grabbed his hand, brushing a kiss across his brow where he was uninjured. “I’m fine, Bit.”

  “Okay. I was worried you’d gotten hurt too.”

  “I wasn’t with you, babe. You were by yourself. You went to go get donuts.”

  Bit’s grin faded. He appeared a little green around the gills, putting his hand over his stomach. “Yeah, I don’t think I want to eat the donuts right now. You go ahead though.”

  Bit really was out of it. Chay wondered if he even knew what happened. He smiled reassuringly and kissed his mate again. “The donuts are gone, Bit. Don’t worry about it. Just rest. We’ll get you home as soon as they say.”

  “Okay—Hi, Joe!” Bit’s free hand shot up in the air and started waving.

  Chay thought Bit was hallucinating until he heard his dad’s voice.

  “Hi, son. How are you?” Joe walked around to Keaton’s other side and patted his hand, once he snagged it from mid-air.

  Bit turned his head toward Joe and yawned. “My car’s dead, but Chay’s all right. I think I ate too many donuts.”

  His dad shot Chay a startled glance.

  Yeah, he knew the feeling. He didn’t like seeing Keaton this way either, but he at least realized why Bit was acting goofy. “He’ll be okay. He’s a little out of it. From what I’ve been able to gather he actually lost consciousness on impact. According to the nurse, they did a CAT scan when they brought him in and didn’t find any hemorrhaging. What are you doing here, Dad?”

  Joe frowned. “My son’s mate was in a car accident.”

  Chay gasped.

  Keaton giggled. “Oh, hey that’s cool. He knows.” He tugged on Chay’s hand. When Chay looked down at Keaton, he grinned. “You don’t have to tell him now, he knows. And I don’t think he’s mad either. He doesn’t sound mad.” Keaton yawned, and turned his head toward Joe. “Are you mad?”

  “No, Keaton, I’m not mad.” He gently ruffled Bit’s hair, then looked back up at Chay. “I haven’t told your mother yet. I admit, I’m a coward. You know how she is.”

  Bit started snoring softly.

  Chay brushed a lock of hair off Bit’s forehead. “Yeah, I do. She’s not going to take it well.”

  Joe shook his head. “No, she’s not. But she can’t change it so she’ll have to get over it and deal with it. It’s not like we choose our mates. How are you? Are you okay with it? You seem to be, but…”

  “Yeah. I’m cool with it. I freaked out a little at first, but now…” He tilted his head. “Now it doesn’t matter. He’s mine, you know?” With his eyes he pleaded for his dad to understand.

  His dad smiled. “Yeah, son, I know. I’m happy for you. I know how bad you’ve always wanted a mate. And I admit, I’m a little disappointed I’m not going to be getting grandkids to spoil. But I like Keaton. It will be nice having another son. And besides, that puppy is pretty darned cute. I supposed he’ll make a decent grandpuppy.” He winked.

  Chay blinked away tears. He hated to admit it, even to himself, but he’d been half-afraid his dad would turn his back on him.

  Joe walked around the bed and pulled him into a hug. “You could have told me.”

  He nodded and hugged his dad with his free arm. “I was scared to, I guess. Remi knows. He…we aren’t friends anymore.”

  Joe leaned back and sighed. “Give it some time. You’ve known Remi a long time. You know how he is. Let it soak in. He’ll come around.”

  Chay shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. I’m not giving Keaton up. Not for Remi’s friendship, not for mom’s peace of mind, not for any reason.”

  “That’s how it should be, son.”

  “How’d you know?”

  Joe smiled fondly. “Because I know you, son. I knew when you called after Keaton was brought into you. I could tell by the tone of your voice.”

  “You told John Carter.” It wasn’t a question but Joe answered anyway.

sp; “Yes.”

  Suddenly, Keaton gasped, his eyes fluttered open. “Omigod!” He tugged on Chay’s hand. “Where’s Pita?”

  He rubbed the top of Bit’s hand. “He’s at home, Bit.”

  “Oh, okay. I was worried.” He looked around, then blinked up at Chay. “Where are we, Chay?”

  “Hospital, Bit.”


  “You wrecked your car.”

  “I did?”

  “Yeah, you did.”

  Joe cleared his throat. “Chay, is this normal?” He sounded scared.

  Chay glanced up, seeing the concern in his dad’s eyes, and tried to reassure him. “Yes, Dad, he has a grade three concuss—”

  “Hi, Joe.”

  His dad’s eyes widened, then he peered down at Bit. “Hi, Keaton.”

  Chay bent and kissed Bit’s forehead again. “Shhh… You’re scaring Dad.”

  Keaton yawned. “I’m sorry.”

  “Mr. Winston?” The sheriff walked in and looked at them.

  “Yes?” Joe answered.

  Chay cleared his throat. “Dad, I think he’s talking to me.” To the sheriff he held out his hand. “I’m Chay Winston.”

  Dad frowned and mumbled under his breath, “He said Mr. Winston.” Chay couldn’t quite hold back his grin. Calling him Mr. instead of Dr. was always a sore spot with his dad. His dad was proud of him and liked to let everyone know his son was a doctor, not a mere mister.

  “I’m Sheriff Benson. The nurse said you’re with Mr. Reynolds?”

  “Dr. Reynolds,” Joe corrected.

  Chay smiled and elbowed his dad in the ribs. “Yes, sir. I am. Keaton’s my…partner.”

  The sheriff shot a startled glance toward Joe then back to Chay before quickly composing himself. “Would you step outside with me? I’d like to talk to you.”